Sometimes you just want something quick and simple. And it doesn’t get much simpler than these English muffin cheeseburgers. It only needs ground meat, an onion slice, tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese.
By replacing the regular hamburger bun with an English muffin, you elevate this from just another cheeseburger to something devilishly exquisite. And the lighter English muffin lets the beef and pork patty taste shine through. After all, which would you instead taste – burger or bun?
One of the secrets to extra flavour in this English muffin cheeseburger is the use of ground pork. Ask your butcher for a mixture of beef and pork.
Amazing English Muffin Cheeseburger
- 1 medium onion
- 2 tablespoon olive oil
- ⅓ pound ground beef
- ⅓ pound ground pork
- 4 medium English muffins
- 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
- 1 bunch lettuce
- 1 medium tomato sliced
- 5 ounces cheddar cheese semi-hard and thinly sliced
- Slice the onion into four thick slices. Heat the olive oil over medium-low heat and saute the onions for 5 to 7 minutes per side – until tender and lightly browned.
- Divide the ground meat into four and form into patties roughly the size of the English muffins.
- Heat a griddle and fry the patties for 5 minutes per side.
- While the patties are cooking, separate the English muffins into halves and lightly toast them. Then, spread mayonnaise on the bottom halves.
- Lay the onion slices on the mayonnaised muffin halves. Top with the patties, then cheese slices, and the top muffin halves.
- Let your burgers stand for a minute to allow the patties’ heat to soften the cheese.